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由資策會舉辦的 IDEAS Show 網路創意展昨日在松山菸廠舉行,重頭戲當然就是 27 組團隊上台發表他們的成果:

▲ 各國評審

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都市剩男剩女越来越多?究竟是因为太忙还是太挑?很多单身的人解释说自己碰不到对象,我想更多的人可能是碰不到合适的对象。“合适”二字,才是约会网站应该重点关注解决的需求。男女本来有别,以往的交友网站,在给予双方相同权力下,普遍外向的男生常是主导攻势者,而女生则多半只好被动等待,乍看对男生似乎有利而对女生不利,但实际上对双方都有坏处,原因是男生为求表现,容易失去自我,而女生则容易错失展现自我的机会,所以有创业者想到通过网络来最大化女性的求爱主动权,提高匹配成功的概率。比如淘男网,就是以尊重女性地位为出发点,推出一个颠覆传统的交友模式—-女权交友。淘男网上女人有权挑选自己喜欢的男人, 男人只能施展魅力抛送媚眼来争取女人的芳心,如果女人对男人不感兴趣那他只能在偌大的货架上静静等待。




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數位時代網站|撰文者:劉翰謙「不婚」,是現代男女愈來愈常見的人生選擇。經濟的低迷顯然是一個考量,畢竟,兩個人生活比起單身過日子,要花的錢可不是1+1=2的計算方式,更別提未來有小孩的情況。然而,經濟大概只能算是整個問題的近由,「太忙」跟「太挑」,也許才是更根本的遠因─至少,入選台灣Startup Lab最後隊伍,Flirq交友網站的共同創辦人暨執行長張朝騏是這麼認為的。

畢業於麻省理工學院媒體實驗室(MIT Media Lab)的張朝騏,儘管是資訊背景出身,對人跟人之間如何互動,卻一直有濃厚的興趣。相較時下許多新興的網路服務,出現好一段時間的交友網站,不算太新穎的點子,在現有市場上,也已經有不少競爭者跟「大玩家」在內,張朝騏和太太黃郁芬,敢跨入這塊「紅海」、創辦Flirq,除了因為本身的堅持跟對市場的信心,當然與有與眾不同之處。




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startuplabs logo 425x110 Startup Labs Teams present at Demo Day, heres their first progress report

On Friday the five teams that were selected back in early February for the world’s first Startup Labs event presented their progress to a room filled with investors, executives and press. Having followed their progress closely (I’ve been somewhat of a spy) it was extremely validating to see the reactions of the audience and the enthusiasm shown towards the program, even from some surprising quarters (the MOEA doesn’t send people to just any event you know). Having presented their original concepts at Microsoft three short weeks ago, the teams once again took to the mike, giving everyone a chance to see how they’ve done.



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Insideby Titan

三月二日下午,由 Startup Labs 與玉山國際投資顧問共同主辦,在 Google 台灣的辦公室舉辦了一場「Startup Labs Taiwan Demo Day」活動,讓脫穎而出的五支隊伍上台發表他們的成果。他們分別是(按照上台發表的順序):

  1. Foodjing ( www.foodjing.com )
  2. Flirq ( www.flirq.com )

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Love. L-O-V-E. It’s a small word with so much meaning. Penn girls throw this word around a lot. It’s used as a cute goodbye to friends: “Bye girlie, Love you!” It’s used to describe that awesome class you're taking, or how you felt when you discovered the marvels of Wawa. Really, ‘love’ is easy to come by.

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Philadelphia’s DreamIt Ventures just graduated 14 startups from it’s 2011 class. All of them presented at demo day today, and are now playing the field, searching for traction and securing funding as they go off on their own.

This year (DreamIt Venture’s 5th class) is particularly special, featuring several (rather awesome) minority-led startups in collaboration with Comcast Ventures. The 5 most promising graduates tackle a myriad of problems, from politics to dating and big data. Learn more below:

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Yesterday afternoon, hundreds of people braved the sometimes-torrential rain to file into the bottom floor of World Cafe Life. There was no concert, instead people came to see the culminating event of 14 startups working non-stop for three months with the hope of becoming the next great Philadelphia-born startup.

DreamIt Ventures held its fourth Philadelphia Demo Day in a year that saw the accelerator expanding to New York City for the first time garnering it significant national attention.

A chart demonstrating the progress of DreamIt companies. Dark orange = at time of acceptance into DreamIt. Light orange = at Demo Day. (click to enlarge)

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Today 14 new startups are being announced as part of DreamIt Ventures Demo Days Philadelphia.  This invitation-only event showcases the year’s graduating ventures first with a presentation from each individual start-up, followed by an open gallery where attendees can interact with the companies directly.  For DreamIt Ventures, one of the top 15 ranked accelerators in the U.S., today’s Demo Days marks their fifth graduation ceremony overall, and fourth in the Philadelphia chapter (they expanded to New York earlier this year).

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On Wednesday, startup incubator DreamIt Ventures is graduating fourteen new companies from its Philly 2011 class. It’s the fourth program from DreamIt in Philadelphia, and the fifth graduating class for the accelerator overall. (DreamIt expanded to New York this year, too). This year’s group is notable for featuring several minority-led startups thanks to a collaboration with Comcast Ventures, the venture capital affiliate of Comcast Corporation, as part of its Minority Entrepreneur Accelerator Program (MEAP).

MEAP is the first initiative from the $20 million fund created by Comcast as a part of the acquisition of NBC Universal. The fund will also be used to invest in other minority-led startups and initiatives outside of DreamIt in the future. With Comcast’s participation, DreamIt’s budget for this group was increased by $350,000.

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